This is the place where people can view and share idol fakes. Most of the works you can view for free, but some works are available only to those who pay for the creator's work. Please note that there are many creators and each may have their own terms specified in their profile.

F. A. Q

Where is the full list of idols?

You can view the full list here idolfap.com/idols/

Why are some pictures blurred?

The creator can hide some of the images for users. This usually means that the creator has a paid community. You have to pay to access all of his works.

How to access hidden (blurry) pictures of the creator?

You can find information about this on the creator page. Its link looks like this -
Usually creators use patreon to accept payment. After that, the creator can invite you to their community on the discord or something like that. If you did not find links to patreon, contact him via twitter or telegram. Please note that each author has their own community.

I am already a patreon subscriber. Can I get access?

Yes. Go to account page and click "connect patreon" button. After that, you will confirm your subscriptions and get access to the art of the author of which you support. The confirmation is valid until the end of the month, after which the confirmation will need to be repeated.

What is a creator account?

This is a special account for those who create and upload fakes to the site. It allows you to have a public profile and specify your own links to patreon, twitter, telegram and other communities.

To get a creator account, please register and upload some of your works. Perhaps, after a while you will receive creator status and additional instructions by mail.