Spring 2022 updates

Spring 2022 updates

1. Tags
Added display by tags feature on the idol page.
New tags: shemale, big, handjob.
The behavior of tags has been changed. Tags are now only applied to the selected idol.

2. Gallery / Likes
Likes with multiple images now display correctly in the gallery.
When viewed, a slideshow will start.
Some likes were also not displayed on the pages, the problem has been fixed.

3. Subscribes
Removed subscribe confirmation via patreon.
Now its will only work through discord.
The option is in test mode, at the moment it works only on servers Gary and Bobbyz You need to have subscriber roles for the confirmation to be valid. After confirming the subscription, you will be able to view the hidden pictures of these authors. Please email me if you have any difficulty with this.

4. Localization
Dates, times and some other elements have been translated.
If you find any errors please report >> here <<. Thank you.